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Who We Are
News Not Bombs is edited and pro-
duced by members of Canton Food
not Bombs. Canton FNB is a Pan-
Le group that believes food is a
right, not a privilege.We are a hor-
izontally operated working-class
collective that believes: direct ac-
tion gets the goods, solidarity over
charity, we keep us safe, and a meal
tastes best when shared with your
We do not require proof of
work, status, sobriety, or re-
ligious aliation to eat with
us; only that you are hungry.
You will nd the following at our
- Vegetarian meals
- Cold or hot beverages
- Toiletries
- Basic OTC medications
- Harm reduction supplies
- Community
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environmenAl Action
By MayDay
Canton FNB started o 2025 with an Action Serve this January to sup-
port the Buckeye Environmen-
tal Network as they pushed back
against harmful energy projects
in our local area. e Appalachian
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub, or
ARCH2, is a collection of projects
that hide behind labels and buzz-
words of clean energy, namely hy-
drogen, but actually bolsters the
toxic practices that rely on fossil
fuels and fracking. ARCH2 is required to provide public comment and
info sessions but has repeatedly been evasive and made it dicult for
the public to truly understand what is at stake from these projects; this is
clearly intentional. is form of energy production is remarkably danger-
ous in every stage of its use, promotes more fracking, relies on “forever
chemicals” called PFAS to process it, would have the costs passed along
in our utility bills, increases air pollution, and acidies our groundwater.
Emission reductions and eco-
nomic impact would be mini-
mal, and yet costly both nan-
cially and environmentally. It
is not coincidental that the lo-
cations selected for these toxic
activities are already struggling
from decades of class exploita-
tion and environmental racism.
Check out https://benohio.org
and https://ohiorivervalleyinsti-
tute.org for more reliable infor-
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To support this grassroots response, Canton FNB brought hot coee,
peppermint tea, vegan hot cocoa, and vegan chocolate chip and blueber-
ry muns to share with the regional and local activists who showed up
with the Buckeye Environmental Network to shed light on these toxic
projects. e protestors- who
ranged from Baby Boomers to
Gen Alpha toddlers- gathered
information at the booths, did
a banner drop, gave speech-
es, and made it dicult for
these groups to get away with
policies and projects that will
make us and our planet sicker.
We also liberated some of the
snacks that they laid out for
the attendees and shared them
directly in the community.
Remember: A better world is possible!
Photo by Akorn
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QueStionS out of left-fielD
on Police Abolition
“Without police, how would we stop and solve murders, robberies, and
other crimes?”
e rst issue with this question is that police do not, directly or indirect-
ly, stop murders, robberies, and other crimes, they usually just respond
and take information about them (this job could and ought to be done by
someone who is not trained to view the public as their enemy) Howev-
er,the second issue is that their presence oentimes actually exacerbates
the harm that has already been caused in many of these crimes. Survivors
of rape, and other forms of sexual assault, are oen retraumatized by ig-
norant police that do not know, or care, about how to work with them.
In situations where the police did directly get involved when a serious
crime was being committed, lets say a mass shooting, where overwhelm-
ing force is key, their track record is also poor. e two shooters of the
Columbine Massacre in 1999 died by their own hands aer nishing their
shooting spree. SWAT entered the school post-mortem. Almost 23 years
later, and many school shootings later, heavily armed Uvalde police stood
outside of the classroom doors for an hour and 15 minutes while a shoot-
er executed 19 elementary students and two teachers. What did education
and training do for those police or that community?
In numerous cities around the world, including Canton Ohio, we have
consistently seen the “police response” harm and even kill the very citizens
that called upon them for protection. On July 6th, 2024 Sonya Massey of
Illinois called the police because she thought someone was trying to break
into her house. Shortly aer arriving the police inexplicably shot Massey
in the head and killed her while she was unarmed on her knees. In Min-
nesota, 2020, an alleged counterfeit 20$ bill led to the brutal murder of a
man who was already handcued and lying prone on the ground, George
Floyd. In New York, 2014, selling loose cigarettes got Eric Garner mur-
dered by the police. e examples are endless.
by K
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If one were to argue that police stop crime via deterrence, we know by
now that this is largely false. When police unions have attempted work
slow-downs or the “Blue-u” , we see that this has little eect on crime
and that the notes can be jotted down about the crimes later.
What has proven to actually prevent so much of what we call crime is
giving people the resources and support that we all need: a house, food, a
living wage, dignity, community, autonomy. is is all not to say that this
author is anti-gun nor is so idealistic to believe that violence will cease to
exist without the police, rather that the polices unaccountable authority
to wield the states illegitimate monopoly on violence has done little to
nothing to solve social ills, but actually has made them worse.
Art by Moss
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…All you have shall some day be given;
erefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your
You oen say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.
e trees in your orchard say not so,
nor the ocks in your pasture.
ey give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of
all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to ll
his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the cour-
age and the condence, nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their
pride, that you may see their worth ‘naked and their pride unabashed?
See rst that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of
For in truth it is life that gives unto life-while you, who deem yourself a
giver, are but a witness. And you receivers -and you are all receivers- as-
sume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon
him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gis as on wings;
For to be over mindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has
the free hearted earth for mother, and God for father.
-Khalil Gibran, 1923
e Prophet
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on revolition
revolution on!
It’s not very long aer one starts paying attention to leist conversations
that one realizes there is a lot of discourse about revolution. How it will
come about, what it might look like and when it is likely to happen are the
most common veins of discussion that take place.
I tend to think that most people imagine revolution as a mob of angry
citizens attempting to overthrow the government by force in a show of
violent opposition to being oppressed. I dont think that a scenario like
that is remotely possible in the U.S. e police forces have been bolstered
up and militarized to the point it would take a not so small, well equipped
army to accomplish any goals toward that type of revolution.
I believe that the revolution is likely to be a mental revolution where a
critical mass of people around the world join the ranks of those who see
through the lies and bullshit about how workers cant do without our
owners” to fund everything and keep us on the right path.
Once people realize this and start organizing to cut government and cor-
porations out of the control they are exerting on us, the full force of the
state will be used to try to force them into submission. It will get violent.
It will get ugly. It will not work. It will already be too late for them to save
capitalism. e critical mass of people will continue to grow, continue to
exclude the state from interfering in their lives.
So, I believe that the real revolution is the continued awakening of hu-
mans to a better system where we govern ourselves and honor mother
earth for the betterment of the human race along with all other life on
our planet.
e revolution has already started.
by Russel
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conStitutionAl cArry
by a member of the Akron-Canton Caucus Firearms Committee of the
In June of 2022, Ohio passed a law enacting constitutional carry, allow-
ing qualied adults to carry a concealed handgun, that isnt classied as
restricted, without needing a concealed carry permit. You can nd Ohios
denition of a “qualied adult” in Ohio Revised Code Section 2923.111.
is law has sparked various reactions, particularly criticism from the
liberal le. However, I believe this legislation is a positive direction for
the rearms community as a whole. e right to self-defense shouldnt
hinge on government approval. Anyone who possesses a concealed re-
arm shouldn’t face imprisonment or loss of their rights simply because
they didn’t obtain the states explicit authorization. e right to protect
oneself is inherent to humanity, not granted by a governmental body.
at said, while the law permits individuals to carry without a license, it
should not be viewed as a green light to carry without proper training.
Every rearm owner should take responsibility for educating themselves
on both defensive shooting techniques and the legalities of using lethal
force in self-defense. Laws are complex and oen not easily understood
without guidance. Fortunately, there are resources, such as Concealed
Carry Weapon (CCW) classes, that provide valuable instruction on both
rearm skills and legal knowledge. is just happens to be the way you go
about getting a license anyway. ese classes are not merely a formality;
they oer important insights into what is legally permissible when carry-
ing a rearm.
Additionally, obtaining a CCW license comes with additional bene-
ts. e most signicant is that it serves as proof that youve completed
training, which can be crucial if you ever need to use your rearm in a
defensive situation. In such cases, the burden of proof lies with you to
demonstrate that your actions were legally justied. Depending on the
prosecutor, you could face charges, and you may need to present your
case to a judge or jury. Having any evidence that you received training
could greatly strengthen your defense.
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For those who travel, an Ohio CCW license is recognized in 38 other
states, giving you the ability to carry your concealed rearm across state
lines. A CCW license can also be used as valid identication when pur-
chasing rearms, which can expedite background checks.
A CCW license may be a government “permission slip” but it is a use-
ful tool that can demonstrate your commitment to responsible rearm
ownership if you ever have to use it. Obtaining a CCW license is a smart
choice that can only benet you in the long run.
lentil PotAto SouP
Lentil Potato Soup
A cheap, balanced, and hearty soup that is made from mostly shelf-stable ingredients
and a great way to use up the nutrient-packed lentils that have been hanging out in
your cabinet.
Ingredients: Chopped onion (¼-½), minced garlic (2 cloves), nely diced celery (1-2
stalks), coin-sliced carrots (1-2), hey amount of cubed potatoes (4-5 small), dried
green or brown lentils (½- ¾ c), coarsely chopped spinach
(handful), oil(splash), veggie stock (5-6c), thyme (¾ tsp),
marjoram (¾ tsp), and salt (big pinch). *ese ingre-
dients can be scaled up based on how many servings
you want, but like most cooking, it is best measured
with the heart and with what you’ve already
got on hand. **Optional additions: diced to-
matoes added with broth; red pepper akes
added with other spices; lemon juice squeezed
at the end with the spinach.
Steps: (1) Heat oil in a large pot with the onion,
garlic, celery until so. (2) Add in the potatoes and carrots and mix in some salt (ad-
just based on saltiness of veggie stock) and cook together for a few minutes. (4) Add
in thyme and marjoram and let them meld in the oil and veggies for a few minutes (5)
Add in veggie broth [enough to cover over the ingredients by at least two inches or it is
all oating loosely] and cover with a lid and let it simmer for about 25 minutes or until
lentils are tender [not mushy]. (6) Add in the spinach and let it wilt into the soup for a
few minutes before serving. (7) Enjoy with crusty bread and comrades.
a recipe by MayDay
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locAtion: Green SPAce on the corner
of WAlnut AnD 6th St ne
Summer hourS: SAturDAyS 4:00-
Winter hourS: SAturDAyS 3:00-4:30Pm
Contact Us
Facebook: CantonFNB
Instagram: CantonFNB
Website: www.cantonfnb.com
Newsletter: cantonfnb.substack.com
Support Us
Cash App: $CantonFNB
SenD your WritinG AnD ArtWork to
cAntonfnb@GmAil.com for A chAnce to be
feAtureD in the zine!
- “environmentAl Action
Serve” by mAyDAy
- “QueStionS out of left
fielD: on Police Aboli-
tion” by k
- “on revolution, revolu-
tion on!” by ruSSel
- “conStitutionAl cArry”
by neo SrA