No Gods No Cops
No Bars to Contain You
Fields Without Fences
No Places to Restrain You
A Place to Call Home
Wherein Freedom is Free
A life for Yourself
And a Place to Be
-Who we are and what we do
- Crossword Puzzle!
-Local Action
-Food for Thought
-And more!
Created and Distributed by: Canton Food Not Bombs
Mission Statement
The Canton Food Not Bombs chapters’ mission is to provide
free vegetarian food, toiletries, and harm reduction supplies to
members of the Canton, Ohio Community. We believe that food
is a human right, that every person deserves the dignity of
access to toiletries, and that harm reduction is an ethical and
evidence-based tool to support our community.
At our gatherings, you will find:
A free vegetarian meal, no questions asked
Toiletries and seasonal needs (hats and gloves, sunscreen, etc)
Harm reduction supplies (Narcan, condoms, etc)
Helpful Information, pamphlets, and zines
Serve Info:
As long as we are permitted, our location will remain at the lot on the
corner of Rex Ave and 4th St NE (lot behind Deli Ohio and Stark Fresh). If
this changes, we will do our best to communicate this to the community.
Meals are shared on Saturdays. Seasonal hours change with daylight
Summer 4-5:30pm
Winter 3-4:30pm
Follow us on social media for the most
updated information
@Canton FNB
Local Action: Books To Jail
If you have been in Stark County Jail, or any other jail for that
matter you know it is a dehumanizing experience. The COs
don’t care about your needs, and treat you as a second class
citizen. If you are there for a long time, you know the book
selection is limited, and strictly religious. We are looking to start
an initiative to get a wider variety of books to incarcerated
individuals. We do not care the crime, or the time. The rules
regulating books are oppressive and obscure. To them, the only
thing that makes sense is to keep the criminal, criminal, and
continue the revenue of money that is pumped to the state
regardless of the negative effect this has on society and
individuals. Our goal is to get some educational material and
entertaining books into local jails to keep minds occupied and
help where we can. We have all made mistakes, might as well
have something to do while we sit around eating must-go and
drinking instant coffee. If you are interested in donating (non-
religious) books, assisting with coordinating, or other ways of
contributing, please reach out to!
3. delicious, meatless meals
4. a station in society; a caste
7. sharing strength with the community
10 “No Gods, No ______”
11. opposes competition; a key element of mutual aid
13. a worker’s power
1. Contrary to popular belief, felons can do this in Ohio
2. Local, community organization structure
5. a human right, not a privilege
6. an oppressive economic system
8. initialism for wobblies
9. a medication used to reverse an opioid overdose
12. a member of the working class
ANSWERS: Across: 3. Vegetarian; 4. Class; 7.solidarity;
10. Masters; 11. Cooperation; 15. Labor
Down: 1. Vote; 2. Grassroots; 5. Food; 6. Capitalism; 8. IWW;
9. Narcan; 12. Proletariat
Food for Thought
What is mutual Aid?
Originally developed in response to the “Survival of the fittest”
concepts of the time. Kropotkin and others explained that
cooperation and concern for each other is a critical part of
evolution. We fare much better when we look out for each other
in the face of shared adversity. Mutual aid is a horizontal,
bottom-up approach to addressing social problems together. It
is community-based support that allows members to care for
each other, we are motivated by empathy (not pity) and
solidarity (not charity) as we see the complexities of a system
that is built on scarcity and competition and recognize that it
affects us all, just in different ways. We care for each other, we
keep us safe, we work together.
Aren’t people naturally competitive?
“In Western society, competition is so normalized it’s no wonder we
consider it the natural mode of human relations. From youth, we’re
taught that we have to be better than everyone else to be worth
anything ourselves. Corporations justify firing workers, depriving them
of sustenance and healthcare, so the company can “stay competitive.”
Fortunately, it does not have to be this way. Industrial capitalism is
only one of thousands of forms of social organization humans have
developed, and with any luck it won’t be the last. Obviously, humans
are capable of competitive behavior, but it’s not hard to see how much
our society encourages this and suppresses cooperative behavior.
Countless societies throughout the world have developed cooperative
forms of living that contrast greatly with the norms at work under
capitalism. By now, nearly all of these societies have been integrated
into the capitalist system through colonialism, slavery, warfare, or
habitat destruction, but a number of accounts remain to document the
great diversity of societies that have existed.”
-Peter Gelderloos, Anarchy Works, 2010.
Know Your Rights!
Adapted from “What To Say To Cops” by the North East Ohio
When speaking with law enforcement always remember, they are trained to
turn every interaction into a potential arrest.
You do have the right to remain silent and cannot be forced to speak with law
enforcement. Make sure to clearly state that you are remaining silent and say
If an officer keeps asking you questions after you state that you are
remaining silent, ask: “Am I free to go?” (An Officer cannot keep you from
leaving the area unless you are being detained).
In Ohio you are NOT required to show any proof of identity, UNLESS driving
a vehicle.
Also, with Ohio’s Constitution Carry Law (effective June 2022) you do not
have a duty to affirmatively state you’re carrying a weapon when
encountering an officer; you are required to answer if you are asked by an
What to say if an officer asks to search you, your belongings, your car, or
your home: “I do not consent to a search of my person/my belongings/my
bag/ my car/my home.”
An officer may only search these things under certain circumstances. One of
those circumstances is if you consent to the search. “May I search your
(blank)” is an admission by the officer that they do NOT have sufficient
probable cause to search whatever they’ve asked to search, and you should
affirmatively state you do NOT consent. An officer may conduct a Pat-down
or “frisk” of your person if you are being detained and they reasonably
suspect you have a weapon and/or contraband- do NOT resist this pat-
down/frisk. If the officer attempts to search INSIDE your pockets, clothes, or
belongings/bags. During the pat down by reaching inside them, state loudly
and clearly “I do not consent to a search of my person/my belongings/my
bag’ but again, DO NOT RESIST.
This information is not meant as a substitute for legal advice